Invisalign® Appointment Frequency: Checking on Your Progress

Invisalign® Appointment Frequency: Checking on Your Progress By Danny O'Keefe D.D.S. on August 30, 2018

Crooked teeth are common, but that doesn’t mean you have to live with the problem. There are many orthodontic treatment options at our Flowood, MS practice. The most popular of these treatments is Invisalign®, an invisible alternative to metal braces. The clear aligner trays can be removed and put on with ease, allowing patients to undergo month-long orthodontic care without brackets, wires, and the hassles of braces.

Many of Dr. Danny O’Keefe’s patients have questions about the appointment schedule during Invisalign® treatment. The team at Family Dental Care covers the basics of these appointments and how often they occur.

Why Invisalign® Appointments Are So Important

While Invisalign® is a simple treatment option for patients to follow, it’s important that the results of the procedure are regularly monitored. Dentists evaluating the progress of the treatment helps identify any unexpected issues during the months of Invisalign® treatment. It’s also helpful for patients to ask questions about their dental health and voice any concerns about the Invisalign® process.

To put it another way, open communication between a dentist and a patient is essential for optimal dental care results. These periodic appointments help keep communication open and allow dentists to make sure patients are all right.

How Often Do Invisalign® Appointments Occur?

This can vary to a certain degree. In most cases, patients will have Invisalign® appointments scheduled every four to six weeks. These appointments may be spaced closer together in the earlier stages of treatment just to make sure you’re responding to the procedure well.

Whatever the schedule may be, you must always be sure to attend these Invisalign® appointments.

What Happens During These Invisalign® Appointments?

During an Invisalign® appointment, dentists will usually just examine your teeth and discuss what you’ve been going through in terms of treatment. Your dentist may make slight adjustments to your teeth to help with the process, which could include tooth reshaping and adjustments to the enamel.

In addition to the quick exam and minor dental adjustments, your dentist may give you additional Invisalign® aligners, and make tweaks to your treatment plan just to make sure the procedure goes by smoothly.

How Long Does an Invisalign® Appointment Take?

Most Invisalign® appointment are very short, requiring only 15 minutes or so. More in-depth visits that involve some adjustment to tooth structure or other special considerations may take 15-30 minutes longer.

Since most routine Invisalign® appointments are short, we always do our best to accommodate our patients at times most convenient to their schedule. While multiple visits are involved, we try to make them as quick and easy to schedule as we can.

What Happens During Your Final Invisalign® Appointment?

During your last Invisalign® appointment, the dentist will finish making any last adjustments as needed to ensure your smile looks its best. An impression will be taken to create a retainer, which will help maintain the proper alignment of your teeth after you’ve stopped wearing your aligner trays all the time.

What Should I Do If I Have Questions Between Appointments?

If you have any questions between Invisalign® appointments or need to reschedule, feel free to contact our office. We’re amenable and flexible, and want to make sure you’re getting the most out of invisible orthodontics treatment.

Contact Family Dental Care

To learn more about Invisalign® and how it can help you have a healthy and beautiful smile, be sure to contact our family dentistry practice. We look forward to your visit and discussing these matters with you in much greater detail. You can also reach us by phone at (601) 936-2526.